The Truth About Zeolite

Could this be the mineral balancing miracle we’ve all been looking for?

According to research, this honeycomb-like structure that comes from volcanic eruptions that occurred MILLIONS of years ago could very well work some pretty impressive magic.  

At Vykon, we talk about binders a lot.  We know that they are a must when mineral balancing and we’re proud to have several top tier options to offer our practitioners and their clients.  We actually always recommend a binder when mineral balancing- no matter the mineral pattern.  That’s because when minerals are introduced into the body, they will often disturb/displace heavy metals that have accumulated. Those heavy metals will circulate in the body causing symptoms which is why a binder is crucial to help eliminate them.  And lately, zeolite has been the star of the show.  

That might be because on top of the heavy metals, we see a lot of copper cases.  This mineral in particular can be a real PAIN.  My first experience with copper… about 5 months into my mineral balancing journey I began getting pain in my thighs, different than that of soreness from working out, different than anything I had ever experienced.  It started as mild for a few days, but it then became almost unbearable, keeping me up at night.  When this started happening I stopped everything; took a break and re-introduced my binder (which was Diatomaceous Earth at that time), slowly re-introduced my minerals and just waited the pain out.  Looking back, I wish I had zeolite!!  

It’s one thing to hear others rave about the amazing effects of a particular product, this happens all the time in the health and wellness space.  I had come to discover that zeolite was an amazing substance, and with varying particle size, its binding properties worked wonders- mopping up toxins and removing them from the body.  The channels within the honeycomb structure could carry up to 51% of its own volume attracting positively charged ions and removing them!

I heard accounts that it could alleviate headaches, diminish brain fog, and more.  It sounded like a magical solution to those pesky symptoms associated with mineral balancing.  

Fast forward two years from the leg pain; adrenals that have bounced back, potassium slowly and steadily on the rise, sodium nice and strong, and a stress ratio that has clawed its way back up from the pit of despair… here, I found myself going through another copper dump.  This time, it wasn’t as intense and as painful, but I was prepared. I was finally going to put this powerful powder to the test.  

When the first headache came, I was ready (dare I say excited?) with my zeolite in hand.  I rarely get headaches (maybe one every 2-3 years), so when the mild pain started, I knew something was up and copper was my #1 suspect.  I asked myself:

 “Can this really alleviate a headache?  And if so, how fast?” 

I had five to six days in a row of mild headaches and each time, one serving of zeolite (5g) took it away in less than 5 minutes.  Zeolite exceeded my expectations making me wonder what else was this amazing crystalline mineral capable of?  

Since then I’ve discovered zeolite is more than just your best friend when it comes to heavy metals and copper, it’s use is widespread and supports the following: 

Gut Health: It’s shown to ease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) by binding to harmful toxins and promoting a healthier gut environment.
pH Balancer:  Zeolite helps maintain that balance, making your system slightly more alkaline, which is great because too much acidity can lead to health issues.
Super Antioxidant:  Zeolite captures free radicals helping to protect your cells from harm.
Immune Boost:  By clearing out toxins and helping your body function better overall, it can support a stronger immune response.
Fights Viruses: This mineral has also shown potential in blocking certain viruses, making it a handy ally during cold and flu season.

As for me, I’m going to continue diligently taking my zeolite (along with minerals), hoping to bring about as much balance and restoration as possible.  This natural, powerful ally not only helps your body detox, supports your gut, balances pH, and helps to fight off infections, but can provide almost immediate relief when it comes to herxing reactions. This is one thing I’ll be sure to keep stocked in my supplement cabinet. 

By: Vykon

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Vykon is committed to inspiring and empowering individuals, and animals, to achieve their best life by producing top quality products to support their journey. All-natural supplements with the finest ingredients to fuel the body; whether you are using the custom powders for yourself or your animals, based on HTMA science, to erase debilitating symptoms and regain health; or the performance line to take your game to the next level. Vykon is innovative, forward-thinking, beta-tested and here to help the world live and perform better.  

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